十年學習英語口語心血,存在謬誤之處,歡迎您指出!感興趣的人也可以登陸我自己架構的口語自學網 http://douglas.uueasy.com/ 一起交流心得體會!先發前兩章,如果有人感興趣,我會繼續分享后面的章節。
第一章 概述 第二章 英文單句復述 第三章 英文短文復述 第四章 常用萬能詞匯點點通 第五章 中文單句英文翻譯 第六章 中文短文英文翻譯 第七章 看圖說話 第一節:圖片表達 第二節:圖表表達 第三節:話題演講 第八章 攻破死角——如何說數字、日期 第九章 日常生活中事物的描述 第一節:物品描述 第二節:人物描述 第三節:事情描述 第十章 魔鬼跟讀 第一章 概述 筆者深信有興趣看本文的讀者,必定是對英語口語學習感興趣的人,而對于英語的學習應該也會有幾年的歷史。有一個問題,不知道大家有沒有問過自己,“我們學習英語學了這么多年,用了自己多少的精力,花費了自己多少的金錢,可學來的英語是用來做什么呢?” 那么,到底什么是英語?什么又是語言呢?在美國傳統字典里對語言Language的解釋是:The use by human beings of voice sounds, and often written symbols representing these sounds, in organized combinations and patterns in order to express and communicate thoughts and feelings. 翻譯成漢語就是:人類聲音的使用,并且經常是代表這些聲音的文字符號,并以有條理的組合和形式出現,目的是為了表達和交流思想和感情。 簡而言之,語言包括漢語、英語、法語、德語、日語、韓語等等,是人們用來交流和溝通的工具。工具誕生和存在的意義是被有效的使用,而不是讓人們終生學習“使用說明”和“制作方法”。語言的應用無外乎兩個方面,讀和寫。盡管絕大部分的國人對于英文寫作的水平有限,但是經歷了這么多年的考試的歷練,至少還是得到了一定程度的鍛煉,可以應付一般的交流,當然是在沒有十分苛刻要求的前提下。 盡管語言最主要的應用是說,通過聲音的交流。很不幸,在傳統教育的體制下,英語語言表述的能力被殘忍并有效的忽略了,原因很簡單,因為中考不考,高考也不考,甚至大學的畢業證、學位證和口語能力也沒有直接的在考核方面的掛鉤。試想如果我們從小一路走來,在學習英語的時候,口語能力的考核就開始要求。那么在大學畢業的時候,每一個同學都可以說一口倍兒地道的帶有中式口音的英語了。 學習英語的目的是用來與人交流和溝通的,如果不想讓自己多年學習英語的辛苦付諸東流,從現在起,就要開始練習開口說了! 筆者對于英語的學習和研究也有十幾年的歷史,對于口語的水平也是略通皮毛。點滴心得希望與大家分享。 英語口語的學習其實與嬰兒學話的過程是一樣的。再次問一下自己,“如果以分鐘累加計算,我們曾經開口講英語的時間是多少呢?”注意,此處一定是自己開口說的時間,是與 他人用英語交談的時間減去他人講話時間。一個星期!相信這是一個比較實際的平均值,可能還有略低。大家用自己的發達腦細胞琢磨一下,一個星期就想把英語說的流利地道,這可能嗎?充其量也就是一個美國幼兒園水平,絕對不會超過小學生水平。 嬰兒是如何學會開口講話的呢?無論任何國家任何地區任何民族的小孩子的語言能力都是從叫爸爸媽媽開始,逐漸說一些簡單的并且一定程度上帶有語法錯誤或者詞匯使用不當的句子,然后才是聊一些簡單的日常的話題,(顯然,談朝核問題是不行的),隨著接受家庭、學校和社會教育,5年左右的時間就可以很流暢應用英語了。 所以,不要幻想,我們是大學生或者成年人,就要談那些用漢語可以隨心所欲交流的生僻的話題,比如軍事、歷史、政治、文學等等。首先,我們要很謙虛謹慎的給自己一個定位——我們僅僅是幼兒園以下的水平。 如果我們可以很平和的接受自己的定位,那么,英語口語學習的征途就可以啟程了!在后面的幾個章節中,對于口語的練習都有詳細的方法和計劃。希望大家可以按照要求不斷地練習,也祝福大家在口語能力方面會有一個質的飛躍! 本文,盡量在書寫和材料篩選上增強知識性和趣味性,并認真的做了一些修訂,但由于筆者水平有限,難免會有諸多的錯誤和不足!歡迎大家批評指正交流。╠ouglas_zhao@163.com) 更多的學習資料和交流請登錄口語自學網:http://douglas.uueasy.com/ 第二章 英文單句復述 練習時間:不低于24小時(以分鐘為單位累加計算)。3小時/天,即8天;1小時/天,即24天;半小時/天,48天;時間不確定或者無法堅持的同學,還是堅定不易的飄過吧!推薦每天練習1-3個小時; 練習方法: 1. 讀一遍本章中給出的句子,如有不認識的單詞,請查閱相關工具,確保理解句子的含義,這也是增加自己詞匯量的一個很好的途徑。 2. 講本書合起或者將目光一直別處或者將雙眼閉起。 3. 回憶剛才所看到的句子,用自己的語言,當然是英語,把它說出來。 4. 查看原句,對比自己說的和原句是否在句子含義上是一致的。 5. 如果對這個句子含義的表述已經很準確了,那么加快自己的說這句話時的語速,和正常閱讀時候的速度差不多 6. 如果這個句子的練習,您已經很滿意了,那么,請對下一個句子進行練習,直到結束。如果有興趣的話,可以任意找一些其他的英文句子,以同樣的方法做強化訓練。 注意事項: 1. 在把這個句子表述完成之前,一定不要看原句 2. 你可以把句子表達的不完整或不準確,但是在把這個句子表述完成之前,一定不要看原句 3. 你甚至可以句子說的與原來的含義南轅北轍,但是在把這個句子表述完成之前,一定不要看原句。 4. 不要試圖把句子背下來,看一遍即可 練習項目: 初級: 1. I am a good person. 2. I believe I can do it 3. How have you been? 4. What a clever boy he is! 5. He wants to buy a textbook 6. She loves to travel by air a lot 7. How do you like Hong Kong? 8. I’m looking forward to seeing you 9. Is it good for child to sleep too much? 10. Dog prefers bones to normal dog food 11. I am going to speak very good English 12. I am going to put my cloth on in 5 minutes 13. Did you leave your hometown 10 years ago? 14. She traveled all around the word in 20 years 15. Flowers look more beautiful in summer than in spring 16. The increase of private car makes the traffic jam seriously 17. Computer is being used more and more in all fields nowadays 18. Douglas has been working for a private company for 8 months 19. Is it possible that the price of apartment will rise for a long time? 20. It takes 5 days to achieve the task which seems to be impossible 中級: 1. I didn’t mean to offend you 2. Thanks for taking me to watch the movie 3. The show is supposed to be good 4. I thought you could do a better job 5. It really depends on who is in charge 6. I’m sure we can get you a good deal 7. I didn’t realize how much this meant to you 8. It does not make any sense to get up so early. 9. Can you imagine how much he paid for that car? 10. Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off? 11. It’s not his work that bothers me; it’s his attitude 12. If I had been more careful, I would not lose the game. 13. You will not beat your kid if he failed in exam, will you? 14. Did you know that Stone ended up marrying his secretary? 15. I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend 16. She will go to visit Tibet if she has spare time this weekend 17. The meeting was scheduled for two hours, but it is not over yet 18. Jane didn’t go to school until she recovered from serious sickness. 19. The food in Chengdu is too much spicy; however it is still quite delicious 20. The precious animals are going to die off if we take no action to protect the environment immediately 高級: 1. I will greet this day with love in my heart. 2. Stress is a reaction, physical, mental, or emotional, to demands or changes in your life. 3. But 20th century medicine did little to increase the natural life-span of healthy humans. 4. However, a dream was a dream. Half a year later, both my husband and I lost all we gained. 5. The only payment we receive when we study is the grade that we get in return, whether it is good or bad. 6. When Americans travel, they rarely say, “I’m foreign to your place.” They tend to say, “ I'm new in town 7. She was surprised and suspicious, when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie 8. When you must cut short a conversation to get to work, it helps to announce your reason in a friendly manner 9. She is teaching English as a foreign language and she used to work in Beijing, now she is teaching in Sydney. 10. In truth, the only difference between those who have failed and those who have succeed lies in the difference of their habits. 11. Unwanted sound, or noise, such as that produced by airplanes, traffic, or industrial machinery, is considered a form of pollution 12. Most bosses expect their employees to get along with one another and, more important, to get along with clients and customers. 13. I can't remember my mother or father ever asking me about what I actually learned in school or if I enjoyed a particular subject. 14. These are practical things and I hope that people who read your English Salon will think about it before going overseas to study 15. I am not on this earth by chance. I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand 16. It's a sad day in Toontown. Cartoon pioneer William, co-chairman and co-founder of Hanna Studios, passed away on March 22 at his home in North Hollywood. 17. Few business leaders names get to be highly recognized in the world at large or even in the broadest business community like the team of William Hewlett and David Packard 18. I had taken a couple of finance courses and learnt some basic concepts about stocks, such as “ Buy low, Sell high”, “Don't put all your eggs in one basket” and “ Invest for the long term.” 19. I will never consider defeat and I will remove from my vocabulary such words and phrases as quit, cannot, unable, impossible, out of the question, improbable, failure, unworkable, hopeless, and retreat 20. My reasoning they may counter; my speech they may distrust; my apparel they may disapprove; my face they may reject; and even my bargains may cause them suspicion; yet my love will melt all hearts liken to the sun whose rays soften the coldest clay. 強化訓練: 1. The paper analyses data from 2,547 groups dining at 20 different restaurants. 2. The lack of humor in workplaces is a real shame, according to experts in corporate culture 3. About 120 wealthy Americans had signed or supported a petition to oppose phasing out the tax 4. The ambassador entered the Oval Office a minute early, at 10:59 A.M. on December 10th of a year in early 1980s. 5. As you and your superiors will understand,” the president said, “we will deploy our ships and aircraft to observe yours. 6. It's the one parental motto every kid knows by heart: Just because everybody else is doing it, that doesn't mean you should, too. 7. The ability to access satellite systems reduces ground station dependence and protects against jamming and direct tracking attempts 8. This was the first time the two had worked together closely as adults, and Big George came to appreciate his son's political instincts. 9. Similar success followed, as the pair went on to help the creation of many of the most recognizable cartoons over the past four decades 10. When we perceive that the danger has passed, our brain stops producing the chemicals that cause the physical reactions, and our bodies return to their normal state. 11. As aircraft became more reliable in the l960s and l970s, they also became more expensive. Fewer could be bought, so the Air Force had to get more out of each aircraft 12. Often, pressures from outside sources can cause stress. We have two options: we can either change the demands on us or change the way we perceive and react to the demands 13. An old song says that “love makes the world go around.” If you watch Americans on Valentine's Day, you can believe it. The whole country breaks out with little red hearts 14. It was refreshing to see Buffett and George Soros and a number of other extremely wealthy luminaries stand up in opposition to President Bush's proposed repeal of the estate tax. 15. Forget the worries of the day. Write down any worries, thoughts or questions before bed. Next, come up with14 solutions. With these written down, you'll have less to think about and sleep should be easier 16. For the first time, the sadness in his eyes had meaning. Now I understood why I chose to come talk to this man about marriage instead of taking an easier route and getting married outside both our religions 17. While we yet hold and do not yield our opposing beliefs, there is a higher duty than the one we owe to political party. This is America and we put country before party. We will stand together behind our new president. 18. But in one of God's unforeseen paths, this belatedly broken impasse can point us all to a new common ground, for its very closeness can serve to remind us that we are one people with a shared history and a shared destiny 19. The thinking behind that 1990 effort can be tracked back to HP's beginnings, about which Packard said: “We weren't interested in the idea of making money. Our idea was, if you couldn't find a job, you'd make one for yourself. 20. Someone said that Bush's political base was built on twin platforms: his Rangers celebrity and the prodigious31 campaigning he had done for his father throughout Texas in 1980, 1984, 1988 and 1992. In 1992, after his father lost in his presidential re-election, Bush began to run for Governor of Texas. 第三章 英文短文復述 練習時間:不低于24小時(以分鐘為單位累加計算)。3小時/天,即8天;1小時/天,即24天;半小時/天,48天;時間不確定或者無法堅持的同學,就不要浪費時間嘗試了!建議每天練習1-3個小時; 練習方法: 1. 通讀一遍短文,如有不認識的單詞,請查閱相關工具,確保理解短文的內容。 2. 再讀一篇短文,加深對于文章內容的記憶 3. 講本書合起或者將目光一直別處或者將雙眼閉起。 4. 回憶剛才所看到的內容,用英語進行復述。 5. 查看原文,對比自己說的和原文在表述的內容上是否一致。 6. 如果對文章的內容表述已經很準確了,那么再重復訓練直到自己復述的語速和正常閱讀的速度差不多 7. 以同樣的方法進入下一篇文章練習,直到您對當前的短文練習已經達標。 注意事項: 1. 在把短文內容表述完成之前,一定不要看原文 2. 你允許把短文內容表達的不完整或不準確,但是不可以在短文復述結束之前忍不住偷看原文 3. 你甚至可以短文的內容表達的與原文完全不同,但是復述結束之前,一定不要看原文。 4. 不要試圖把短文背下來,否則,你的寫作能力會得到很大的提高而不是口語能力 5. 強化訓練部分,難度較高,通讀一遍,查找字典弄清楚文章的意思,讓后用自己的語言把文章的主要內容復述下來即可。 練習項目: 基礎訓練: 1. Some kids, playing near a pool, saw many Frogs in the water and began to throw stones to them. They killed several of them, when one of the Frogs, lifting his head out of the water, cried out: "Please stop, my boys: what is fun to you, is death to us.” 2. I was born in a quite small village with no long rivers or high mountains; Sky is always blue, air is fresh all the time, we could see all kinds of plants and wild animals everywhere. All the people are very friendly and nice to each other. They make their living on farming on the poor land which could not make them rich but enough to raise families. I went away from my home village 10 years ago, I miss my village a lot. 3. One day, the tiger and the fox are talking. The fox says, “Do you believe that all the animals in the forest are scared of me not you?” The tiger doesn’t believe and follows the fox to the forest. All the animals are very frightened when they see the tiger and run away. The tiger is shocked and thinks that the animals are scared of the fox. The fox is very happy because in fact it depends on the terror of the tiger to frighten the animals 4. One day, a little horse is going to see his grandpa, on the way to grandpa’s house, he needs to cross a river. He has no idea how deep the water is, so he stays by the river waiting for help. Later, one rabbit comes, and warns him not to try because one of his friends was drawn right here. Little horse is scared by the words of the rabbit. After the leaving of the rabbit, an elephant arrives and tells the little horse to cross it right now, as there is no any danger at all, he crosses the river several times each day. Little horse is so confused; finally he decides to have a try by putting one of his front legs into the river. It is not deep for him at all, he arrives the other shore safely. 5. A boy, returning alone from the pasture, was pursued by a Wolf. Seeing he could not escape, he turned round, and said: "I know, friend wolf, that I must be your lunch, but before I die I would ask of you one favor, you will sing a song for me to which I may dance." The Wolf agreed, and while he was singing the Kid was dancing, some hunting dogs hearing the sound ran up and began chasing the Wolf. Turning to the Kid, he said, "It is just what I deserve; for I, who am only a butcher, should not sing songs to please you." 6. A cat and a monkey live in the same house. They are very close friends. One day, they sit by the fire. They are watching some chestnuts on the fire. They want to get them. “I am happy to get them,” says the monkey. “But you are much better at such things than I am. Take them out and both of us can eat them.” The cat is happy with the words. She tries many times and takes all the chestnuts out. But her paw is injured. They eat the chestnuts up. Then a man comes in and finds all the chestnuts are gone. He finds the cat’s paw is injured. So he thinks the cat eats all the chestnuts. He is angry with the cat and drives her away 7. Tom put his hand into a pot full of candies. He grasped as many as he could possibly hold, but when he tried to pull out his hand, he was prevented from doing so by the neck of the pot. Unwilling to lose his candies, and yet unable to withdraw his hand, he burst into tears. A bystander said to him, "Be satisfied with half the quantity, and you will readily draw out your hand." 8. A dog and a cock being great friends, agreed to travel together. At nightfall they took shelter in a thick wood. The Cock flying up, perched himself on the branches of a tree, while the dog found a bed beneath in the hollow trunk. When the morning dawned, the Cock, as usual, crowed very loudly several times. A Fox heard the sound wishing to make a breakfast on him, came and stood under the branches, saying how earnestly he desired to make the acquaintance of the owner of so magnificent a voice. The Cock, suspecting his civilities, said: "Sir, I wish you would do me the favor of going around to the hollow trunk below me, and waking my porter, so that he may open the door and let you in." When the Fox approached the tree, the Dog sprang out and caught him, and tore him into pieces 9. A pair of oxen were drawing a heavily loaded wagon along a miry country road. They had to use all their strength to pull the wagon, but they did not complain. The wheels of the wagon were of a different sort. Though the task they had to do was very light compared with that of the oxen, they creaked and groaned at every turn. The poor oxen, pulling with all their might to draw the wagon through the deep mud, had their ears filled with the loud complaining of the wheels. And this, you may well know, made their work so much the harder to endure. “Silence!” the oxen cried at last, out of patience, “What have you wheels to complain about so loudly? We are drawing all the weight, not you, and we are keeping still about it besides” 10. Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: "If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness." The Lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free, exclaimed: "You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor; but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a Lion. 強化訓練 1. Eight cyclists have been killed in southern Italy after a car collided with them on a two-lane road. Reports from the scene say the driver apparently lost control of his car while trying to overtake another vehicle, and collided head-on with cyclists. Seven died instantly and the eighth died while in medical care. Several others were injured. The driver of the car, a Moroccan national, was arrested. Police are quoted as saying he tested positive for marijuana. The accident took place near the city of Lamezia Terme, near Italy's southern tip 2. XUZHOU, Jiangsu - One of China's high-speed trains broke the world record for unmodified commercial use on Friday during trial service, the Ministry of Railways said The train CRH380A hit a speed of 486.1 kms per hour on the tracks between Zaozhuang city of Shandong province and Bengbu city in eastern Anhui province, which form a segment of the world's longest high-speed rail line linking Beijing and Shanghai The train's previous speed record was 416.6 kms per hour set on Sept 28 during its run between Shanghai and Hangzhou, capital city of east China's Zhejiang province "It not only marks a milestone in the construction of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, but also is a major achievement of China's technology innovation," said Wang Yongping, spokesman of the Ministry of Railways (MOR) It shows China leads the world in high-speed railway development, he said 3. A new dawn in communications is heralded by the launch of the UK's first English-language Chinese paper China Daily, China's leading English-language newspaper, will appear as a new weekly edition on UK news stands from Friday, December 3 Eager to help bridge the current affairs gap that exists between China and Europe, China Daily European Weekly follows the highly successful launch of the China Daily US and Hong Kong editions. Today, China Daily has a worldwide circulation of nearly 400,000. The European edition will be distributed in the UK and from Brussels, building on China Daily's aspiration to be a newspaper which provides a window for China to understand and be understood by the world. It will cover politics, business, culture and society, delivering in-depth and intelligent analysis of news and issues of interest to both European and Chinese readers Renzhong Zhi, General Manager of China Daily UK, said: "We identified a gap to provide a useful source of news and analysis to European businesses seeking to better understand and engage with China. As more partnerships develop between China and the West, it is crucial that there exists a regular source of insight on changing trends While there is an element of breaking news, the majority of the paper seeks to provide a more in-depth review of headlines of the week – a useful guide to help readers understand the emerging opportunities that exist between China and Europe," he added China Daily European Weekly is available from news agents and through distributors from 3 December 2010 4. A Bangladeshi-flagged ship is believed to have been seized by pirates off southern India, say shipping officials. The MV Jahan Moni was attacked after a long pursuit near the Lakshadweep group of islands, some 300km (185 miles) from the Indian coast. The ship, with 25 Bangladeshi crew on board, was on its way from Singapore to Europe via the Suez Canal. Bangladeshi Rear Admiral Bazlur Rahman said the crew had raised the alarm and the ship was now moving erratically. "We lost contact with the ship at 5.38pm (1138 GMT) Bangladesh time after it was attacked by pirates for the second time. We suspect the ship has been captured by the pirates," Adm Rahman told the AFP news agency. "All symptoms are there that the pirates have taken control of the ship "It was chased by the pirates for more than an hour," said Adm Rahman, adding that the boat had sent out a distress signal. "Now it is showing erratic movement.” The Bangladesh Shipping Department said it had sought help from the Indian coastguard and from anti-piracy teams in Dubai and Singapore. Several nations are involved in operations to tackle Somalia-based piracy in the busy shipping lanes of the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean. Somali pirates have been seizing ships increasingly far away from their homeland, but have never been known to operate so close to India. 5. Iran's intelligence minister says the country has made a number of arrests following attacks on two prominent nuclear scientists in Tehran on Monday. One scientist was killed and another left seriously injured. Intelligence Minister Heidar Moslehi said a number of people were identified and arrested in connection with what he called the two terrorist attacks Mr Moslehi did not identify the suspects, nor did he say how many people had been arrested. But he did repeat Iran's claim that the intelligence services of the US, Britain, and Israel were responsible for the attacks The two scientists, Majid Shahriari and Fereydoon Abbasi, were targeted separately as each drove to work on Monday morning. Reports said motorcyclists drove alongside the scientists' cars, attached magnetised bombs to the side of the vehicles, and then drove away. The bombs exploded, killing Dr Shahriari and seriously injuring Dr Abbasi. The attacks and subsequent arrests come just a few days before Iran is due to restart talks on its nuclear programme with the permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany. 6. The Obama administration is launching a national competition called Race to the Top. States will compete for more than four billion dollars in grants to support the best plans for improving schools. President Obama and Education Secretary Arne Duncan announced the details last week. BARACK OBAMA: "This competition will not be based on politics or ideology or the preferences of a particular interest group. Instead, it will be based on a simple principle: whether a state is ready to do what works. We will use the best evidence available to determine whether a state can meet a few key benchmarks for reform. And states that outperform. The rest will be rewarded with a grant.” The president wants the United States to regain the world's highest college graduation rates, especially in math and science. His target is two thousand twenty. But he says the education system is "falling short" and "countries that out-educate us today will out-compete us tomorrow.” The United States is one of thirty countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The OECD has the Program for International Student Assessment, or PISA. Every three years PISA measures the performance of fifteen-year-olds. In two thousand six, the United States had lower scores in mathematics than twenty-three of the other twenty-nine OECD countries. Sixteen countries did better in science. 7. French President Nicolas Sarkozy is due to hold key talks on civil nuclear cooperation with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. The two parties are expected to sign an agreement for the construction of two French nuclear reactors in India, during the meeting in Delhi. France is a leading world exporter of civilian nuclear technology. Mr Sarkozy is on a four-day official visit to India. On Saturday, he visited a space research facility in Bangalore. The president has backed India's bid for a permanent seat at the UN Security Council and supported India's membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG), a gathering of countries which export civil nuclear technology. Reports say that the two countries are likely to sign an agreement paving the way for two French reactors worth nearly £6.3bn ($10bn) to be constructed in the western Indian state of Maharashtra. Correspondents say that the deal will be good news for India - which is desperately short of energy to fuel its booming economy. France is the world's second largest producer of nuclear energy after the United States. It hopes to be at the forefront of an international revival of the industry which analysts say will benefit from worries about global warming and soaring energy prices. India has 22 nuclear reactors and is seeking to expand its nuclear energy sector, opening up a market estimated at £90bn ($142bn) over 15 years. The country - now seen as a strategic partner for both the European Union and the US - has a population of 1.1 billion. It gets only a tiny fraction of its electricity from nuclear power. Supporters of the deal say that having more nuclear plants in India could help reduce global demand for oil and gas while at the same time significantly reducing the country's pollution levels. 8. Eurozone retail sales returned to growth in October, following two months of falls, figures have shown. Sales in October were up by 0.5% from September, and 1.8% higher than a year ago, Eurostat said. The increase was bigger than analysts' forecasts for a 0.2% rise, however there were big variations between different eurozone countries. German retail sales jumped by 2.3% in October, whereas in France sales were down by 0.1%. Eurostat said that eurozone sales of food, drink and tobacco rose by 1% in October, whereas non-food sales increased by just 0.1%. For the European Union as a whole, retail sales were up by 0.4% in October, and also showed a 1.8% annual increase. Howard Archer, chief UK and European Economist at IHS Global Insight, said: "It must be borne in mind that the fundamentals are still not that great for consumer spending given that the eurozone unemployment rate is currently at a 12-year high of 10.1%, wage growth is muted, and tighter fiscal policy will increasingly kick in across the region over the coming months. "The suspicion is therefore that eurozone consumers will remain pretty cautious in their spending." 基礎練習部分,無論是詞匯還是句型的難度上都較為簡單。剛開始練習的時候比較容易建立自信心,但是由于練習的數量較大,所以,真心希望自己口語水平能夠提高的朋友一定要堅持。 后面的強化訓練部分,都來源于chinadaily, BBC和VOA等知名網站的原文,所以難度偏高,閱讀英文的原文,然后再進行復述,這是鍛煉和提高自己英式思維和擴大自己詞匯量的最佳途徑。 建議剛開始訓練的時候,只是簡單的概括性復述文章的主要內容,隨著自己水平的提升,可以側重于一些細節的部分。魔鬼藏在細節當中,所以,檢驗自己水平高低的方法,就可以通過自己對細節的掌控程度來判斷。 第四章 常用萬能詞匯點點通 相信大多數人在練習或者使用口語時,習慣于用漢語組織語言,然后再翻譯成英文。這樣勢必會帶來一個問題,漢語表達中的某個詞匯在自己有限的英文詞庫中找不到與之完全匹配的單詞。表現出來的結果就是說著說著突然停了下來,不吭聲,或者恩啊不斷。 那么在英語中,有沒有一些萬能詞匯可以解決這種尷尬的局面呢? 結果是肯定的。在本章中,我們就重點向大家介紹一下英語交流中經常使用的一些很簡單卻很實用的萬能詞匯。
萬能名詞: 首先,向大家介紹的是萬能的名詞。在漢語里面我們經常用到的一個名詞,可以代替任何的物品,這個詞就是“東西”。 對于東西一次的來歷有多種說法,其中一種的解釋是:南宋大學者朱熹,一天要去拜訪他的老友盛溫和,正趕上盛先生提著籃子上街買菜。朱熹問道:“你這是要去哪里啊?”盛先生回答:“上街買東西!敝祆浜芎闷妫謫枺骸澳敲茨媳币部梢再I嗎?”盛溫和回答說:“在五行上,東為木,西為金,我的籃子可以裝木也可以裝金,所以可以裝東西;南為火,北為水,籃子不能裝火和水,所以不能裝南北。” 英語中有一個詞匯英語很廣泛,那就是something,既可以指代東西,還可以指代事情。那么它的妙處在哪里呢?即使我們的英文的詞匯量已經很大了,但是在說英語的時候還是會遇到很名詞不知道應該如何說。比如說:電視遙控器。那么我們就可以這樣講:“I need something to control the TV, like turning it on or changing channels.”這樣別人就可以完全理解,你需要的是電視遙控器。同樣,比如我們想說去為菜園子中的蔬菜施肥,但一時間找不到施肥應該如何講,其實可以簡單的表述為:“I am going to my vegetable garden to add something to my plants to make sure them grow better.”這樣的表述可能不是很準確,但是總要好過抓耳撓腮后仍找不到答案的落寞。
萬能形容詞: 眾所周知,形容詞分為褒義詞,貶義詞和中性詞。多數的褒義詞的祖師爺都是一個詞——好;貶義詞應該都起源于一個詞——壞;常見中性詞都來自一個詞——還可以;谶@種分析,那么萬能的英語形容詞現在就可以橫空出世了。 褒義形容詞之間的區別在于針對的內容和程度的不同,那么大部分的褒義詞都可以用一個單詞good概括,并加入所強調的內容或者程度即可。當然,這種所謂的萬能詞匯,在意思的表達上面可能不夠準確或者不夠全面,我們這里向大家介紹的也是僅僅是一種應急的方式和手段,我們可以通過做一些解釋和補充說明來避免產生歧義或者誤會。例如: 1. 他是善良的,我們就可以翻譯成:he has a good heart, and helps people all the time. 2. 他很聰明。 我們可以表述為:He has a good brain and could learn a lot in a shot time. 3. 他很勇敢。我們可以說:He is good with courage, and would do anything if needed. 同樣,貶義詞都可以總結為壞,bad成為貶義形容詞的一個代表,例如: 1. 他是一個邪惡的人。可以說:His mind is totally bad, and did many bad thing which is bad for others. 2. 這種生物實在是太丑陋了!我們不妨嘗試著表述為:This kind of creature is too bad looking. 3. 這個人沒有受過很高的教育,所以看起來有些粗魯。This man looks bad when doing things with no proper manner, as he is not well educated. 這句話中,bad when doing thing,的意思和粗魯感覺上有些偏差,所以,后面可以加上一句with no proper manner加以進一步的解釋說明,使句子更加準確。 或許你已經猜到了,應對中性詞最好的替補就是:OK!這個詞我們再熟悉不過了。讓我們一起來看一下吧: 1. Tom對于昨天這件不愉快事情的處理是可以接受的。The way how Tom handled the unpleasant event yesterday is OK. 在本句中,OK的意思可以理解為“可以接受的”。 2. 把會議的時間定在下周一是合適的。It is OK that we schedule the meeting on next Monday。 這里,OK的意思就是合適的。 3. 在這場激烈的爭論中,我的弟弟的觀點是中立的。The point of my little brother is OK with everyone in the serious argument。 在我們有限的可能存在偏差的些許例句中,您可能已經漸漸感覺到一點點這句用法的好處,對于這種用法掌握的熟練程度,還需要大家在以后的日常生活交流中仔細的琢磨、逐步的完善,并且只有堅持下來,才能看到它的效果。 萬能動詞: 有些外國人認為中國人并不熱情好客,愿意創造并維護世界和平,而是一個好戰的民族,因為在漢語中做太多的事情是都使用一個動詞:打。比如:打籃球,打牌,打針,打飯,打車,打開電視,打赤腳,打醬油,打電話,甚至打Kiss!按颉币呀浲耆苡诹宋覀兊囊率匙⌒猩钪械姆椒矫婷妗!按颉币矌缀醭蔀榱艘粋漢語中的萬能詞匯。 不難想象在英語中,同樣存在這與“打”承擔者同樣重要角色的詞匯:do,get,take,have, make等等。下面讓我們來詳細的了解一下。
DO: 1. 他只是執行自己的任務而已。He just did his own task. 2. 認真工作就是履行自我職責。Hard working is the right way to do one’s duty. 3. 他所犯的罪早晚要遭到責罰的。Sooner or later, he will be punished against the crime done by himself. 4. 本周末他們要在這里為孩子們演一出戲,莉莉扮演美麗的公主。They are going to do a play for children here this weekend; Lily is going to do the beautiful princess. 5. 道格拉斯從小就很喜歡模仿邁克杰克遜。Douglas loves to do MJ since he was a little boy. 6. 這樣做對你不會產生任何正面的影響。It will not do any good to you if you do so. 7. 在你的朋友來訪之前,請你整理好你的房間。Please do your room carefully before your friends get here. 8. 吃過飯通常我都會幫媽媽清洗盤子。I always help my mother to do the dishes after dinner. 9. 換一種方法也許可以湊效。Probably it would do if we find another way. GET: 1. 吉姆收到一封來自美國的郵件。Jim gets a mail for America. 2. 我們花了一天的時間才抵達紐約。It takes us whole day to get New York. 3. 給我拿一本數過來。Please get me a book. 4. 我們剛剛去超市買了幾瓶飲料。We just went to supermarket and got bottles of drink. 5. 他在報紙上得知他最好的朋友回國了。He got the news that his best friend is back from newspaper. 6. 媽媽每天下午5點鐘才能到家。My mother gets home at 5:00pm everyday. 7. 因為堵車,丹尼斯沒有趕上飛機。Denies didn’t get his flight due to traffic jam. 8. 我們一直到昨天晚上11點鐘,才聯系上總經理。We didn’t get general manager until 11:00 pm yesterday. 9. 今天太冷了,要多穿一點,否則,你會患上流感的。It is too cold today, you should wear more, otherwise you would probably get the flu. 10. 你明白我說的問題了沒有?Do you get my question? 11. 祝你早日康復!I hope you get well soon! (此處get指進入或者過渡到某種狀態) 12. 請在11點之前幫我把這輛車修好。Please help me to get this car fixed before 11:00.(此處get指使某物/某人/某事進入某種狀態) 13. 我要去買一張歌碟。I’ve got to get a music disc.(此處,get指將要做某事) 14. 你難倒我了(你太牛了!)You got me. (You got me在口語中使用較多,表示你太厲害了!你太出色了!)
個人覺得現在的口語學習似乎進入一個誤區,計劃著每天我要用多長的時間來練習口語,比如晚上8點到11點,堅持三個月。其實大可不必。口語的學習和練習其實可以利用我們一些很零散的時間。如果我們一個人去食堂或者去教室,那么在路上的時候我們就可以嘗試著小聲的對身邊的人或物進行描述。 在雅思口語考試的第二部分,也是最重要的一部分,有四種命題。事物、地點、人物和事件。我們的練習就可以基于以上的類別。比如我們看到一棵樹,那么我們就要想辦法對這棵樹進行描寫。相信剛開始大多數人在練習的時候會無話可說,或者說一兩句就結束了。分享給大家一個思路,按照一個物體的形狀、大小、顏色、材質等外觀上入手,然后進而引申到他的用途;我們還可以最一些適當的聯想,看到這棵樹讓我想起爺爺家后院的那棵樹,小時候經常在那里玩耍等等。最后做一個淺顯的分析,推測或者評論。那么我們表述的內容顯得很豐富了。 For example: I see a big tree in front of me, it is very tall, nearly 10 meters high. Look like a big umbrella of natural. There are many branches, it is spring right now, so all the leaves are green at this moment. (以上是基于外觀的描述) It reminds me an old tree of my hometown, that one is not so big, but a lot of kids playing under it when I was a little boy, especially in summer, it is much cooler to stay under the tree. (做一些適當的聯想) I love tree, because trees could make the air fresher and provide the wood material for human being, also they are home to many kinds of animals. But the number of trees is dereasing right now along with the the enviroment being destroied. I hope everyone who is living on earthe could begin to protect trees, protect this world.(分析,推測和評論) 上面只是舉了一個簡單的例子。這種方法同樣適用與人物,和地點的描述。當然練習的時間也不局限于孤單走上路上的時候,甚至吃飯,上廁所,或者晚上失眠的時候。呵呵 一點建議供大家參考! TAKE: 1. 請幫我把那個杯子拿過來。Please take that cup here for me. 2. 對于大多數人來說,如果有公共汽車我們就不會選擇乘坐出租車。As for most of us will not take a taxi if bus is available. 3. 我用了三天時間才把這個任務完成。It took me 3 days to complete this task.(此處,take指花費或者使用了一定的時間) 4. 叔叔花費100玩美金買了一棟別墅。It takes uncle a million dollars to get this beautiful house. 5. 那個美女在上臺前深吸了一口氣。The beautiful lady took a deep breath before she got on stage. 6. 生病的時候一定要按時吃藥。We must take the medicine on time if we get sick. 7. 弟弟把李小龍當做自己的偶像。My little bother takes Bruce Lee as his idol. 8. 莉莉離婚了,她直到認識了李先生才接受這個事實。Lily got divorced, she could not take it until she met Mr. Lee. 9. 對于有些犯罪分子,我們要采取強制措施。We have to take serious action on some criminals. 10. 緊緊握住她的手,否則她會離你而去。Take her hands tightly, or she will leave you. 11. 按我的要求做,我會承擔一切的責任。Do as I requested, and I will take all the responsibility. 12. 這個小孩子得了禽流感。This kid has taken the bird flu. HAVE: 1. 他已經擁有兩臺筆記本電腦了。He has two laptops. 2. 這輛車裝載了自動空調系統。 This car has an automatic air conditioning. 3. 那個小男孩懂一點法語。The little boy has a little French. 4. 我收到了哥哥的來信。I had a letter from my brother. 5. 我想要一瓶啤酒。I will have a bottle of beer. 6. 我們經歷了一個糟糕的夏天。We had a difficult time in last summer. 7. 老板不會允許這種事情發生在辦公室。Our boss will not have such thing in the office. 8. 教授昨天做了一個很成功的實驗。The professor had a very successful experiment yesterday. (此處,Have的意思是執行、實行、做) 9. 瑪麗的姐姐就要生孩子了。Mary’s sister is going to have a baby. 10. 這個星期天我們準備一起吃晚飯。 We will have a dinner this weekend. 11. 我剛剛去剪了頭發。I just have my hair cut. (此處,have指使某物或某人被怎么處理) 12. 在銷售方面,這家公司使所有的競爭對手處于下風。The company had all competitors in sales.(此處,have指使某人或某物處于不利的位置上) 13. 露西戴著一個非常漂亮的帽子。Lucy has a beautiful hat on head.(此處,Have指使某人或者某物處于某種狀態)
MAKE: 1. 我的女兒為我做了一個很精致的生日禮物。My little daughter made a pretty present for my birthday. 2. 這件事情如果處理不好,就會給我們帶來很多麻煩。It would make lots of problem for us, if we could not handle it properly. 3. 這家公司生產汽車。This company makes cars. 4. 他的爸爸用撿來的石頭砌了一堵墻。His father made a wall with the stone he picked everywhere. (此處,make指修、建、造等) 5. 賺錢越來越不容易了。 Making money is becoming harder and harder. 6. 每一個國家都需要制定自己的法律。Every nation must make its own laws. 7. 他剛好趕上了他的航班。 He just made his plane. 8. 上大學的時候,我們組建一個樂隊。We made a band in university. 9. 英語角是一個交朋友的好地方。English corner is a good place for making friends. 10. 羅斯創作了很多的流行歌曲。Ross has made a great many of popular songs. 11. 我要打個電話給我的媽媽。 I will make a telephone call to my mother. 12. 他的理想是成為一名優秀的教師。His dream is to make a excellent teacher. 13. 湯姆讓莉莉在他的公司上班。Tom makes Lily work in his own company.(此處,make+sb.+動詞原形指讓某人做某事) 14. 客戶把杰克投訴到他的老板那里,使他很難過。The customer complained Jack to his boss making him upset.(此處,make+sb.+介詞或形容詞指使某人處于某種狀態)
繼續詳細講解萬能詞匯: 首先,我們說萬能名詞,英語詞匯中存在數量巨大的名詞,名詞根據表達對象的性質可以籠統的分成兩大類,一類是具體的名詞;一類是抽象名詞。具體類的名詞又可以分成三種:人物、事物和地點。上面的帖子是一個比較淺顯的入門級的介紹,舉得兩個例子都是事物,遙控器和肥料。 名稱 上一類別 上一類別 上一類別 上一類別 seabird bird animal creature something novel book paper material something professor teacher person human someone classroom room building place somewhere 每一個名詞都有自己的一個屬性,因此我們可以追溯到他上一個類別,人物類最終可以歸結為someone或者somebody;事物類為something;地點類為somewhere。任何的名詞,如果我們不知道如何說的時候,轉換一下思路,用他的上一個類別做指代,然后加上必要的解釋和說明,意思就會變得更完整準確。不多說,直接上例子: 我們在路上遇到自己的朋友,邀請對方和自己一起去書店買書。這時候我們可以說:Hi, would like go to book store with me, I need to buy a novel. 很不幸,如果我們不知道novel(小說)這個單詞,那么應該如何處理呢? 首先,上升一個類別,用book代替。Would you like go to book shop with me, I need to buy a story book. 當然,故事書和小說不完全一樣,我們還可以加一個更加詳細的說明。A story book about what happened between two persons who love each other. 這樣我們就表達出言情小說的意思了。 其次,我們還可以再上升一個類別,用tool代替。書籍是我們學習知識的工具。I need to by some paper which is printed with words telling people a love story.感覺上稍顯牽強,但是如果我們有一個語境,聯系到上下文,就很容易理解了。 最后,殺手锏級的重量詞匯,鼻祖級的單詞something登場。I need to buy something to read, and I like love stories. 強調一次,這樣做并不是鼓勵大家要按照這個套路去學習口語,這只是一種很無奈的保定的解決方案。如果大家有時間和精力,還是鼓勵去記憶更多的詞匯。 用something來代替很簡單,那么如何做進一步的解釋和說明呢?前面的帖子我們已經談及描述一個物品的方法和思路,形狀、大小、形狀、材質和用途等等。如果從外觀上很容易描述,那么我們就從外觀上入手,否則就從功能和或者用途上來描述。比如,我們生活中最常見的水water,如果從外觀上去說,那就是無色無味無毒的液體。顯然,表述起來稍顯吃力,最好還是從用途上加以說明。水是用來做什么的?但簡單了,用來喝的。答案也揭曉了。something to drink. 那么,會有人說,那還有可能是可口可樂呢,不一定是水!很好,下面我們再加入一個限定性的說明。Something to drink, you could get it from river, lake, or well. 這樣就排除可口可樂的可能行了。如果從河里面撈出來的可口可樂相信也沒人敢喝,那是別人扔的.再舉一個例子,前文談到的電視遙控器,如果從外觀上去描述,長方體,15cm左右長,用塑料材質做成的,上面還有很多的按鍵,通過紅外線實現他的功能。顯然外觀很吃力,那么我們還是從功能上著手。遙控器是用來做什么的? 用來打開或者關閉電視,更改頻道的東西。 那么,我們就可以說: I need someting to control the TV turning it off and on or changing the chanels. 對于人物和地點的方法和物品的描述是一樣的。
萬能名詞練習:嘗試用something來替換以下詞匯,必要時加上解釋和說明,使意思更加準確。 人物類: Chinese: Someone who was born in China, or somebody owns the nationality of China Friend: Someone who would help you when you are in trouble, or plays, lives, studies with you Tourist: Someone who is visiting a new place for interest or fun Employee: Somebody who is hired and working for a company or an organization Doctor: Someone who is going to make you healthy while you get sick Dentist: Someone who you will see when you get problem of tooth Neighbor: Somebody who is living near your house or just around you Pilot: Someone whose job is flying a plane Teacher: Someone who teaches student in classroom as a job 萬能名詞練習:嘗試用something來替換以下詞匯,必要時加上解釋和說明,使意思更加準確。 事物類: Handbag: Something used to contain things and taken in hand for ladies Umbrella: Something used to protect people from getting wet in rain, made of metal pole and cloth cover Shelf: Something that we could put lots of books on, usually made of wood or metal Tea: Something for drink, one kind of tree leaves put into hot water Newspaper: Something made of paper and printed with news, stories and advertisement Telephone: Something that we could use to call others far away Shoes: Something put on feet to keep warm and prevent from being hurt Book: Something made of paper, telling people all kinds of knowledge and stories Chair: Something for people to sit on, made of wood, metal or leather
萬能名詞練習:嘗試用somewhere來替換以下詞匯,必要時加上解釋和說明,使意思更加準確。 地點類: Kitchen Somewhere in room for cooking Bedroom: Somewhere in house for sleeping with bed inside Garden: A piece of land, somewhere we could plant flowers Village: Somewhere in countryside which is not big place School: Somewhere teachers teach the students Cinema: Somewhere we could watch movies with a group of people together Market: Somewhere all kinds of good being sold Hometown: Somewhere you were born or living for a long time Hospital: Somewhere we will go when sick, there are doctors and medicines 前面對于萬能名詞的分析以及如何使用,都是針對于具體的名詞,都是我們生活中可以看得到摸得到的對象,我們分別可以用something,someone,somebody或者somewhere代替,并加以必要的解釋和說明。而在英語中還有一些抽象的詞匯,比如:喜怒哀樂,愛恨情仇。 顯然這些詞匯無法用something,someone,somebody或者somewhere來代替。那么我們應該如何應對呢? 思路是一樣的,每一個名詞都有自己的屬性和類別。我們可以用它的上一級甚至上上一級詞匯代替,然后輔以解釋和說明。比如:love,愛是一種感覺或者感情,感受。可以做出如下解釋:love is kind of feeling that we would be dying without somebody or we would feel terrible if we could not see someone.萬能形容詞 練習篇 1.他是一個文武雙全的人才。 在翻譯這句話的時候有一個難點那就是文武雙全這個成語。前文在講解臭名昭著的時候已經講解過了,對于這種我們沒有辦法駕馭的詞匯。我們必要先把漢語進行轉譯把難度降下來,然后在進行表述。 直譯:He is a good man who is good at both arts and physical skills. 文武雙全是一個褒義詞,使用good替換,并且加以詳細的解釋。文借用我們高中的時候的文理科的文arts,理科是science,大學里還有工科engineering。武,武功武術,我們可以根絕音譯kongfu,當然老外也是懂得的。physical skill是武術的意思。這種翻譯相當于根據字面的意思直譯。下面我們還可以看一下另一種譯法,我個人更傾向于這種。 意譯:He is a good man who is brilliant and powerful. 此處,brilliant指聰明的,暗指文化方面強悍。powerful有力量的,強大的,側重于體力體質方面。這種說法雖然簡單和我們漢語的意思表面看起來稍有偏差,但是這種說法更符合英美人的習慣,是一種地道的易于理解的說法。2.此情此景令人難以忘懷。 The feeling we have and the beautiful thing we see at this moment is so good that we will not forget. 3.雖然他沒有取得我們的同意就擅自做主,但是也是可以理解的。 It is OK for us, though he made the decision without permission from us 4. 這個價位雖然不合理,但也是可以接受的。 The price is unreasonable but it is still OK for us. 5. 他做的都是一些令人發指的事情。 What he has done is so bad that making people very angry 6. 他的爸爸是一個臭名昭著的人。 His father has a very bad reputation 克服中式思維的方法有兩種: 第一種:按照我上面的方法,先嘗試著弱化自己的中式思維。強化英式思維是一個漫長的過程,在英式思維占主導之前,弱化中式思維算是一個過渡階段的解決方案。把復雜的漢語轉譯成簡單的已與表述的中文,然后再翻譯成英文,可以保證我們的口語說的很流利。 第二種:強化英式思維。最有效的辦法就是找難度適合的英文原文進行復述。文章的內容最好涉及到生活的各個方面。英文復述,就是英對英的練習,其中不涉及到漢語思維。所以,在做復述練習的時候也一定要注意一點:第一遍再看英文的時候,一定不要去把文章翻譯成中文,而是去理解和想象文章表達的場景和意圖。我們再根據圖像或者場景去復述。比如,英文I see a big tree in front of the gate,那么我們的腦海中要浮現出一個畫面一個大門前面有一棵樹。而不是文字:有一棵樹在門前。
補充:如果你的口語基礎較好,詞匯量也夠大,那么建議直接看國外的新聞網站,比如:VOA和BBC等,然后進行復述練習。 如果基礎一般,那么建議參考新概念第二冊,比較淺顯的文章,很容易看懂,內容也很豐富,不是十分枯燥。有些高手試著把新概念背下來,當然這對于口語的提升也是有幫助的,但是太耗時了,而且對于口語提升的幫助要比復述的效果差。背誦是死記硬背,背下來卻很難實際應用在交流中。就像一個人把各種武功的招數套路都背下來了,但是不一定會用,尤其是在實戰中。比如李連杰的套路做的就很好,而成龍的功夫則表現在生活中的各個方面。個人覺得,如果他們兩個打起來,成功獲勝的幾率高些。 所以,建議復述。
其實強化英式思維能力的關鍵在于建立英語和我們看到的場景和事件之間的一個很強的映射,比如我們看到阿拉伯數字1,我們想到的應該是11—>eleven,而不是11->十一 —>eleven。 在馬路上看到一輛車,首先想到的是Car,而不是車—>car。 前文已經提過了,學習英語在于日積月累和生活中的方方面面。因此,您不一定每天抽出來3個小時來學習英語,任何時候都可以,比如,在桌子上看到一個杯子,你就可以對他進行一個簡單的描述。當然,不要用漢語去組織語言然后翻譯,而是直接用英文描述,可以簡單一點。This is a cup, it is made of glass, it is not expensive, we could buy it everywhere like a supermarket. But I like it very much.
能形容詞 強化練習: 用good對下面的形容詞進行替換和解釋練習,大家在做的時候,建議先不要看下面給出的參考方法。先自己思考一下,應該如何做,然后再和給出的參考對比一下。你的收獲會更大的! Beautiful(美麗的): good looking Clever(聰明的): Good at studying, working or communication Smart(聰明的,瀟灑的): Good at communication; good appearance Happy(高興地): Feel very good Generous(慷慨的): Good man who loves to help people with money Gentlemanly(紳士風度的): A man with a good manner, especially with ladies Optimistic(樂觀的): Have a good attitude, who is always looking at the bright side of life Thoughtful(體貼的): Good man who always think about others Easy-going(平易近人的): Good man who is easy to communicate
用Ok對下面的詞匯進行替換和解釋練習: Doable(可以做的): OK for doing Acceptable(可以接受的): OK for someone to accept Understandable(可以理解的): OK for someone to understand Drinkable(可以喝的): OK for drinking Eatable(可以吃的): OK for eating Satisfiable(可以滿足的) OK to make someone satisfied Ridable(可以騎的): OK for riding Walkable(可以步行的): OK for walking Discussible(可以討論的): OK for discussion
用bad對下面的詞匯進行替換和解釋練習: Ugly(丑陋的): Bad-looking Stupid(愚蠢的): Bad at studying; have a bad brain Foolish(傻的): Bad at thinking, working, and communication Clumsy(笨拙的): Bad performance of hands Mean(卑鄙的): bad man who would hurt the others to make good of himself Rude(粗魯的): Bad manner to communicate with people Brutal(殘忍的): Bad man who would achieve his target by all means even a bloody way Superficial(膚淺的): Bad taste and mind, would give a quick judgement by the surface. Selfish(自私的): bad character who always thinks about himself
萬能動詞 訓練項目:試著用get,do,make,have和get等五個動詞對下面句子中的動詞進行替換和解釋練習。 1.他們積怨多年,今天終于化解了。 They hate each other for many years, today they get all the troubles gone, they are OK now. 2. 你先坐一下,我去給你沏一杯茶 Please have a sit, I will make a cup of tea for you 3. 他撿了一些磚頭,并用他們砌了一堵墻。 He got some bricks on the street, and made a wall with them 4.你大病初愈,還需要好好調理。 You just get well, you need to take care of yourself more. 5.他從銀行貸款,然后才啟動這個項目 He got money from bank with paying interest to have this project started. 6.用熱毛巾敷一下臉,你會感覺舒服些。 Put the towel into the hot water, then have it on your face will make you comfortable
7.他用左臂夾著一本書,右手端一碗熱干面 He takes a book under his left arm and a bowl of hot dry noodle on his right hands 8.把你的舌頭伸出來,讓我檢查一下 Get your tongue out of your mouth, and I will have a look 9.這位大俠中毒太深,求求你用內功把他體內的毒逼出來 This swordsman got poisoned deeply, please help him to get the poison out with your super power. 10.哥吃進去的是知識,拉出來的是文化 The thing put into my mouth is knowledge, The thing get out of me is culture 11.你最好在飛機起飛之前,把手機充滿電 You’d better make your cell phone fully charged before the plane takes off 12.如果有人得罪你,就和兄弟吱一聲,保證幫你擺平 If anyone makes you angry, let me know, I promise I will take care of it. 13.千里馬,追風刀,飛檐走壁水上漂 He has a horse which could run a thousand miles with no stop and a knife which could catch up with wind, and he could run so fast as he is flying on the wall and the edge of roof, he could make himself become so light, as he is floating in the water
第五章 中文單句英文翻譯 請嘗試著將下列中文翻譯成英語,明天還有一天的課要上,明天繼續發詳細的講解。 1. 思想有多遠,我們就能走多遠。 2. 大道有人誰怕我,大道無人我怕誰? 3. 一山不能容二虎,除非一公和一母! 4. 作為失敗的典型,你實在是太成功了! 5. 要不是打不過你,我早就和你翻臉了。 6. 不要崇拜哥,不然你嫂子會讓你成為傳說。 7. 一個人最大的悲哀,就是不愿意做他自己。 8. 思想是人的翅膀,帶著人飛向想去的地方。 9. 只有危機意識的人才能生存、發展和壯大。 10. 因為我們在追逐幸福,所以 不免要觸摸痛苦。
1. We can go as far as our mind does 2. Nobody will be scared of me if there is someone, I will not be scared of anybody if there is nobody 3. Two tigers could not live together in the same mountain, unless one is male and another is female. 4. You are much too successful as a tipical loser 5. I would have already beaten you up if I could 6. Do not admire me, otherwise, my wife will make you become a legend 7. The most pathetic thing for human being, is someone do not want to be himself 8. Mind is the wing of human, which would take you whereever you want to go 9. Only the one who keep danger in mind could survive, develope and be stronger 10. We have to go through the miserable time, as we are looking for happiness. 11. 艱難困苦是幸福的源泉,安逸享受是苦難的開始。 12. 一個貧富差距懸殊的社會必然不是一個穩定的社會。 13. 人生最重要的價值是心靈的幸福,而不是任何身外之物。 14. 我的觀點是,寧可錯過100次機會,,也不瞎投一個項目。 15. 我們不能掌握生命的長度,但是我們可以控制生命的寬度。 16. 一匹奔騰的駿馬不會因為幾只蒼蠅的干擾就停止前進的腳步 17. 我就像一只趴在窗戶上的蒼蠅,前途一片光明,但卻找不到出路。 18. 謊言和誓言的區別是:一個是聽的人當真了,另一個是說的人當真了。 19. 運氣永遠不可能持續一輩子,能幫助你持續一輩子的東西只有你個人的能力。 20. 哪怕是最沒有希望的事情,只要有一個勇敢者去堅持做,到最后都會擁有希望。
11. The hardship is the source of happiness, the overenjoyment is the beginning of disaster. 12. A society with a huge gap between the rich and the poor would not be a stable one. 13. The most important thing to one's life is the happiness of your soul but nothing else. 14. My point is that I would miss hundreds of chance rather than invest any project by mistake. 15. We could not control the length of our lives, but we could control the width. 16. A running horse will not be interruptted by some annoying flies. 17. I am just a fly on the glass of window with a bight future but no way out. 18. The difference between a lie and a promise is that the listener takes it as a truth of the first condition, and the speaker takes it as a truth in the second condition. 19. Good luck would not be with us for life time, the only thing would is your own ability. 20. You will find the hope , only if you insit on it even something seems impossible.21. 如果你想做一件事情,逆境就是常態;如果你什么事情都不想做,失敗就是常態。 22. 關于這座城市的記憶,是浩瀚長江的雄偉,關于這座城市的回味,是一碗熱干面的飄香。 23. 在因特網世界,你的女朋友可能是一位男性,而你的男朋友可能是一位女性,這很痛苦,但你得接受。 24. 我不能恨你,因為我們曾經深愛過;我不能愛你,因為彼此曾經傷害過,所以我們只能成為最熟悉的陌生人。 25. 希望他是真的比我還要愛你,我才會逼自己離開。我真的沒有天份安靜的沒這么快,我會學著放棄你是因為我太愛你。 26. 有些人一生沒有輝煌,并不是他們不能輝煌,而是因為他們的頭腦中沒有閃過輝煌的念頭,或者不知道應該如何輝煌。 27. 等我有錢了,我就買一輛公交車,專門走公交專用車道,專門停在公交車站,等有人想上車了,我就說:對不起,這是私家車。 28. 你知不知道有一種鳥沒有腳的?他的一生只能在天上飛來飛去,飛累了就在風里睡覺,一輩子只能落地一次,那就是他死的時候。 29. 我們每個人的心中都應該有一支點燃的蠟燭,通過我們的努力,這火焰才會變大、變寬,這心中的蠟燭就是我們為之不懈奮斗的目標。 30. 自行車的后輪愛上了前輪,可是他知道自己永遠都不可能和她在一起,于是他吻遍了前輪走過的每一寸土地,且默默地關注并陪伴著她。
21. The difficulty is always there waiting for you if you decide to do something; the failure is always there with you if you do nothing. 22. The best memory of this city is the dignity of the splendid Yangzte river; the unforgettable taste of the city is the attractive smell of a bowl or noodle with sesame sauce 23. Your girlfriend could be a boy in the internet world, your boyfriend could be a girl, it is cruel, but you need to accept it. 24. I can not hate you as we loved each other, while I can not love you as we hurt each other serously, so we could only be the most familiar strangers 25. I forced myself to leave when I hoped he would love you more than I do, I am not gifted to calm down quickly, I would try to forget you because I love you. 26. Someone keeps to be nobody, the reason why they could not make any achievement is that they never have the idea of being successful in their mind or have no idea how to succeed but not being unqualified, 27. I'd like to buy a bus when I am rich, go on the road special for bus, stop at bus stops, I would tell them, sorry, this is private if somebody want to get on. 28. Do you know one kind of bird without feet, flying in the sky and sleeping in the wind when tired, land once in his life time only when dying. 29. We all should have a burning candle in our hearts, make the fire be bigger and wider by our endless hard working. This candle should be our target in mind. 30. The back wheel falls in love with the front wheel, even he realises they will never be together. So he kisses every inch land she passed and accompanied her in silence. 第六章 中文短文英文翻譯 1. 人生有五顏六色的價值觀,但一種價值觀一旦被你認可,你就可能一輩子追求這個價值觀而無怨無悔;世界上有萬紫千紅的思想,但你只要接受其中一種,你就能夠終生信奉而至死不渝。 2. 一個人生活中的失意乃至失敗在很大程度上來說是心理的而不是現實的,是技術性的而不是宿命的。現實至多為失敗者提供了解脫的借口,而對宿命的信仰最終無情地撲滅了成功的任何希望。 3. 人年輕的時候經歷種種磨難并不是件可怕的事情。經歷過的事情,挫折也好,憂傷也罷,都會成為你生命中最寶貴的財富。堅持下去,你就會發現這個世界上真正能夠打敗你的,就只有你自己。
1. There are all kinds of understanding of values, you will persue for life time without complaining once you recognize any; There are different thoughts in the world, You would believe in it till dead once you accept any. 2. Being infrustated or failed is almost mental but not real, we could change it but not being arranged by god. Reality provides the excuse for the failures to make them feel better. While the belief of destiny will put out the fire of hope. 3. All the miserable experience we went through when young is not scared, the experience both being disspointed and depressed would become the treasure. You would find the only one who could defeat you is yourself, when you persit
4. 小時候剛學騎自行車,還不太會就跑到大街上,看到前面一個老大爺在走,自己感覺要撞上,就大叫,不要動,不要動。那個老大爺一下站在那里沒有動,結果我拐來拐去,還是撞上了。老大爺站起來說,你瞄準呢? 5. 生活中其實沒有絕境。絕境在于你自己的心沒有打開。你把自己的心封閉起來,使他陷入一片黑暗你的生活怎么可能擁有光明!封閉的心,如同沒有窗戶的房間,你會處在永恒的黑暗中。但實際上四周只是一層紙,一捅就破,外面則是一片光輝燦爛的天空。 4. I started to learn how to ride bicycle when I was a little boy, I went to street while I was not skilled enough. Seeing a old man walking in the street, I shouted, do not move, stand where you are when I realized I was going to hit him. I tried my best to avoid hitting him, unfortunately I crashed on him as the old man was standing still. He stood up and said, were you taking me as a target? 5. There is no hopeless situation in life. Feeling hopeless is due to keeping your heart sealed. How could a sealed heart get sunshine while restricted in darkness. A heart hiden in darkness is just like a room without windows, You would be kept in eternal darkness. Acctually it is just a layer of paper around you. It will be broken just by one finger poking, then you will find the sunshine and blue sky.
6. 即使有時迫于生活的困境,你會去做家教、去做苦工、去廉價出賣你的勞動,但是誰都沒有資格看不起你,因為你是在靠自己的勞動養活自己,用自己的雙手創造未來;蛟S今天你是一個懷揣夢想、不名一文的青年,但多年后或許你會擁有令人驚幕的成功,因為這些經歷讓你懂得了人生的真正含義。 7. 無論是在失意的時候還是在得意的時候,我總是用下面的寓言來激勵自己:靜謐的非洲大草原上,夕陽西下,這時,一只獅子在沉思,明天當太陽升起時,我要奔跑,以追上跑的最快的羚羊;此時,一只羚羊也在思考,明天當太陽升起時,我要奔跑,以逃脫跑的最快的獅子。那么無論,你是獅子還是羚羊,當太陽升起時,你要做的,就是奔跑!
6. You may have to do some part time job like being a tutor or doing labor work selling your work at a low price while you are in trouble of living. However nobody is qualified enough to look down upon you, since you are making a living on your own, bulding a future with your hands. Maybe you are a young man with dreams and no money, probably you wound get an admirable achievement years later, becasue all the suffering experience makes you understand the true meaning of life. 7. No matter when I am feeling good or bad, I like to tell me the story to inspire myself, in a quite grassland of Africa, A strong loin is thinking when sunseting, I have to run fastest to catch the fastest running antilope when sunrising tomorrow morning. Meanwhile an antilope is thinking I must run as fast as I can to get away from the fastest running loin when sunrising tomorrow morning. No matter who you are, a loin or an antilope, what you should do is running at your best.
8. 曾經有一份真誠的愛情擺在我的面前,我沒有珍惜,等到失去的時候才追悔莫及,人世間最痛苦的事情莫過于此。如果上天能夠給我一個重新來過的機會,我會對那個女孩子說三個字:‘我愛你’。如果非要給這份愛加上一個期限,我希望是,一萬年。” 因為這是一段經典和典型的臺詞,此處精講。 英文的翻譯講究信達雅三個境界,不僅筆譯如此,口譯也是如此: 由于本人水平有限,不敢在高手在眾多的天涯班門弄斧,只和大家分享一下自己的一點心得。不談信達雅,只談直譯版相當于達的境界和意譯版相當于信的級別。 先說直譯版:Once upon a time, (很多童話故事都是這樣開頭的)There's a piece of sincere love in front of me, I didn't treasure/ cherish. When I lost it, I regret deeply. There is nothing more painful than this in the world. If god could give me one more chance, I'd like to tell that girl, I love me, If I am reqested to give a timeline, I hope that will be ten thousand years. 以上的話如果是對一個中國人說,我相信他可以理解,而且是很理解。但是注意我們說英語的目的是和外國人交流。所以,說話時要考慮對方是否可以聽明白和理解。比如第一句,there is a piece of love in front of me, 首先,感情love 這個詞能否用 a piece of 來度量。我在google上面搜索了一下,應該是有這種說法,但是我看過的電影或者聽過的歌曲里面似乎沒有聽過老外有過這樣的表述。另外就是感情擺在我的面前,貌似不符合老外的思維方式。這種方式值得商榷。還有就是最好的如果我非要加一段期限,如果翻譯成為:If you want to know how long time I will keep loving you. 感覺上更符合老外的用法。而最好的我希望是一萬年,ten thousand years,對于中國人的傳統文化一萬代表數量巨大,代表無盡或者永恒,但是英語中沒有這樣的解釋。老外更習慣的用法是forever,ever lasting, eternally。浪漫一點的說法可以是I will love till the end of the world. Or I will not stop loving you untill you stoping loving me. 因此,我個人更喜歡下面更為簡單的意譯版: A girl loved me, I didn't care. After she left me, I hated myself so much. It is the worst thing in the world. If god could give one one more chance, I will tell that girl I love you forever/till the end of the world. 這個版本的妙處在于淺顯易懂,輕松駕馭,而表達的意義卻更為簡練地道,表達的方式和英式方式也更加接近.
9. 從現在開始,你只許對我一個人好;要寵我,不能騙我;答應我的每一件事情,你都要做到;對我講的每一句話都要是真心。不許騙我、罵我,要關心我;別人欺負我時,你要在第一時間出來幫我;我開心時,你要陪我開心; 我不開心時,你要哄我開心;永遠都要覺得我是最漂亮的;夢里你也要見到我;在你心里只有我 9. From now on, you are supposed to be nice to me only, spoil me, be honest to me, make everything you promised me come true, make sure every single word told me be true. No cheating, no yelling, care about me; show up and help me at the first time when anyone is bullying me; You should be happy for me when I am happy, make me happy if I am not happy; I am the most beautiful one in your heart, I should be in your dream and me only.
10. 一定得選最好的黃金地段,雇法國設計師,建就得建最高檔次的公寓! 電梯直接入戶,戶型最小也得四百平米,什么寬帶呀,光纜呀,衛星呀能給他接的全給他接上,樓上邊有花園(兒),樓里邊有游泳池,樓子里站一個英國管家,戴假發,特紳士的那種,業主一進門(兒),甭管有事(兒)沒事,(兒)都得跟人家說may I help you sir(我能為您作點什么嗎?)?一口地道的英國倫敦腔(兒),倍(兒)有面子! 社區里再建一所貴族學校,教材用哈佛的,一年光學費就得幾萬美金,再建一所美國診所(兒),二十四小時候診,就是一個字(兒)貴,看感冒就得花個萬八千的!周圍的鄰居不是開寶馬就是開奔馳,你要是開一日本車呀,你都不好意思跟人家打招呼,你說這樣的公寓,一平米你得賣多少錢?我覺得怎么著也得兩千美金吧!兩千美金那是成本,四千美金起,你別嫌貴還不打折,你得研究業主的購物心理,愿意掏兩千美金買房的業主,根本不在乎再多掏兩千,什么叫成功人士你知道嗎?成功人士就是買什么東西,都買最貴的不買最好的!所以,我們做房地產的口號(兒)就是,不求最好但求最貴
上面是大碗里面的經典臺詞,涉及到較多的北京的方言。極其口語化,是訓練英語口語的不二素材。下面將給大家展示如何簡單的翻譯: We muct choose the best location, hire Franch designer, build the first class house if we do. The lift goes into the rooms directly with a minimum size of 400 square meters equiped with as many communication medias as we could such as: wide band, optical cable, satellite and so on. There is a garden at the rooftop, an indoor swimming poor, a English housekeeper standing at the door with wig, so gentlemanly, required to say: May I help you sir? no matter the house owner is in the need of help or not with a genuine accent of London making the owner feel extremly respected. We also will build a noble school with textbook bought into from Harvard. The students would pay dozens of thousand dollars just for the tuition. What's more, we will build an American style clinic running for 24 hours everyday. It is so expensive that it would cost you thousands yuan to cure flu. All the neighbours are driving either BMW or Mercedes, you will feel ashamed to greet if you are driving a Japanese car. How much do you think should we sell for per square meter of the house like this? I think 2000 dollars at least. What? 2000 dollars, that's the cost. At least 4000 dollars, with no any discount, you will get no chance to say it's expensive. We have the study the mind of the owners who is willing to pay for 2000 dollars for per square meter will not mind paying 2000 dollars more. What is so called successful man, being successful is to buy the most expensive things but not the best. So, our guide line of the business of real estate is to offer the dearest instead of the best.第七章 看圖說話 第一節:圖片表達 看圖說話是我們使用一門語言的最基本的技能,如果題目已經給出要求,則根據要求進行表述。如果題目本身沒有什么要求或者限制條件,那么,可以考慮從以下幾個方面進行回答。 以我個人的學習和教學的經驗來看,對于很多的學生看圖說話基本無話可說的問題有兩種情況。 第一種是,漢語知道該說什么,在翻譯成英文的過程中遇到阻礙,說的很慢,并伴有大量的停頓,重復或者拉長音等現象。這是收英語水平所限,或者是英漢和漢英之間轉換技巧使用的不夠嫻熟。 第二種是,漢語都不知道該說什么,其實看圖說話很簡單,我們可以基于圖片本身做一個介紹,然后在對于圖片反映的問題和社會現象做一個分析。很多同學不習慣或者不善于對于圖片的內容做一個表述,更喜歡上來直接對于本質的內容進行分析和討論,而這一塊往往很難需要較高的英語水平作為支撐。結果當然也是說的磕磕絆絆。 那么看圖說話到底應該如何處理呢? 個人覺的,對于圖片表述的內容要基于圖片,圍繞圖片,但卻不局限于圖片本身。具體的說,可以從這幾個方面入手: 如果是一個故事: 時間、地點、人物、事情的起因、經過和結果。最后加入一些聯想,推測和評論 如果是一個事物:形狀、大小、材質、用途、聯想、推測和評論。按照時間、地點、人物、事情的起因、經過和結果,聯想,推測和評論,示例如下: It was on Sunday, Tom went to the river with a net and pot, tried to catch some frogs. It was a sunny and cool day. He got 3 frogs and kept in the pot. He was very happy to keep them as pets. However, one day he realised people should protect frog when listening to the radio program. Then he looked up some books telling him frog is good to human and corps. So he decided to send the frogs back where they should be. He took the frogs to the river and let them go freely. Finally, He felt released and pround of himself. When I am looking at this pictures, I remember the days when I was a boy, I usually went to the river and catch frogs just for fun. It was wrong, when I grew up, I never hurt frogs any more. This story in the picture is interesting, and everyone could make mistakes, it is normal, however, we should know what we have done is wrong and never do it again
按照時間、地點、人物、事情的起因、經過和結果,聯想,推測和評論,示例如下: Tom is a primary school student, who is 10 years old. One day, Tom was walking on the street, suddenly he fell down because of stepping on a watermelon skin. Three person are looking at him at the same time, his mother, his teacher and a stranger. His mother came to him concernedly and asked him what happen, warried about him, suggested him to go hospital with her if he felt bad. His teacher was looking at him and tried hard to figure out what happened. Why did he fall down, Is there anything the school should do to prevent such accident take place on the other students The strange was laughing at him and thinking, what a careless boy, however he is not my boy. Let me just have a look. It is fun. I think such thing would only be possible happen in China. If it happened in Amecica, it would be the most normal thing and the kid would stand up like nothing happened. Children will learn more from failure and pain. There is no need to pay so much attention on the tiny things, so the new generation of China could make a bright future
From this picture, I can see the earth man is surrendering to a bunch of chimneies around. There are some wounds in the head of earth man and we can see he is really tired and scared. It leaves me a deep impression that the earth who provides a homeland of human beings is sufferring. Human have done a lot to hurt the earth like cutting tree, making air polution, dirting water and so on. It is the crucial time for us to do something to protect the enviroment. May be somthing small, like stop dumping freely or smoking or taking bus instead of private cars.
詳解: 這幅圖片是我在學?谡Z期中考試時準備的諸多題目中的一個,要求準備半分鐘,說1-2分鐘。如果能夠說5-10句話,就可以及格了。不幸的是很多同學表示很棘手,很難說5句,因為很多的單詞過于專業。有些同學覺得題目太難了,甚至變態,更有甚者表示出這種題目的老師,也就是樓主本人很變態。 考試總結的時候,我和學生闡述了一下原因和回答的思路。因為作為大一的學生,用口語來流利的表達圖片背后的內涵確實有些強人所難。但是,我在考試的時候已經放寬了條件。只要是和圖片相關的內容都可以說。 比如: there are two persons in the picture, one is standing, and one is sitting; One is tall and one is short; one is taking a book, one is looking at him. The one who is standing is handsome, and the one who is sitting is old. I really like the one who is standing. 上面的表述基本上屬于廢話,但在考試中有時候廢話是必須的,你們懂得。 如果想對情節進行描述的話也可以,The one who is taking a book is a peot who goes to an office to see a manager to try to get his book pubished. However, the manager tells him that he need to change the name of the book if he wants to publish it. The poet is so surprised. 故事可以到此結束,或者有興趣的同學可以嘗試著去挖掘故事的內涵或者折射出來社會現象。 The press is changing and not showing respect to cultrue and the writers. they are only focusing on the market but not the value of literature. What's more, we could also find out that the taste of the morden readers are different with the previous ones. Nowadays people are paying more attention to the private life of the famous person instead of their work
以下僅供參考: It is Sunday morning, James goes to park with his girlfirend, they buy a watermelon eating at the bench of the park while it is really hot. When they have eaten the watermelon, they leave the watermelon on the bench, the girl tries to clean the mess, however James tells her that there must be someone else to clean it up. I think it is not right to do this as it is their responsibility to put it into rubish bin near them. This is not good and definitely would affect the others if anyone want to have a rest on bench. I hope everyone in China could realise how serious this problem is and try to make our country more beautiful and comfortable.
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